Sunday, June 7, 2009

Things are blue in school.

Okay, so this would have to be my official school-blues blog. How sad. I simply could not believe school is well...basically right in front of us. I could not deny the fact that it's coming this Tuesday and that I still didn't get to re-adjust my body clock. Oh poor me. *sobs*

The big question for me is, Am I ready to face the horrors of homeworks and quizzes?...more importantly...pressure to excel? Damnit. Screw this whole making your mark thing. It's quite sad really. After years of just getting by and just being there, you suddenly have to do something for yourself. Ah, the pressure. It's hard to do well when you're only you.

We have to do exceptionally well this year since we're graduating and stuff. High grades and activities are a must if you want to get accepted into the best colleges and even snag a scholarship. haha. Seems like we're undergoing what Blair's been through in Gossip Girl. Getting into Yale and funny and so true.

Then again, grades aren't everything. Well, Imma go play poker now!


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