Sunday, June 28, 2009

Bloody Sundaes.

dun. dun. dun....
It's that time of the week wherein I actually update my blog! buckle up your seat belts...or something...

Wow, this week was pretty full for me. Starting off with Monday where we had to dance in some Rotary event in L'Fisher. It was fun and we got free dinners...which was even better! Of course, let us not forget me saying stupid things at the stupidest of times....(one needs not mention what I said...) The downside to that was we also get to go home late, leaving us with less time for school and waking up as zombies the very next day. The rest of the week was pretty normal, until Thursday. The weekend is coming and so is another gig on Friday. We had to dance at some casino for a fashion show...which was fun...I think. hehe.

For some reason, I've been inexplicably happy and quite expecting to be seeing something these past few days. Suddenly just yesterday, I lost that inexplicable happiness. Perhaps it's actually better not to be reminded too much of the past. You know how much you'd like to be happy and eat a hot fudge sundae again, you simply can't. Why? It's because you know you know that eating a hot fudge would make you fat. Then again, you keep devouring on caramel sundae which would then again not change anything. I'm simply not doing anything useful. Aahh...the ambiguousity about sundaes!

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