Monday, June 1, 2009

Summer Farewell

So yeah, this is my official goodbye summer blog for 2009. I think I deleted my farewell for summer 2008 along with all my other blogs from the errrm past? Whatever, I'm not really sure how to put it so that's that. Each year, I write a blog about I spent long as it's part of my summer!

My summer started with making pawasak with two of my buddies, Yel and Kat. We did senseless things and celebrated other people's graduation for them...approximately 3 times. During Holy Week, my family and I got to go to Hong Kong for a vacation. There, I got to eat chinese food everyday....and it's sickening. I also realized how I hate chinese people...*evil grin*.

When we got back home, it was just in time for the start of our MMB summer workshop. So yeah, same old routine, dance classes everyday. Hey, I'm not complaining. It's really great actually! Like last year, I'm usually found hanging out in MMB. The only difference was that I'm not found always wearing tights and sweet-talking kids since I'm not assisting anymore, which is quite sad. Well hey, I get more free time and I get to eat dirty ice-cream and fishballs! During my summer in MMB, I enjoyed hanging out with the so-called "children". Playing cards certainly became one of our favorite pastimes aside from dancing.

This summer wasn't like any other...of course. It was quite busy especially with the culminating. Honestly, it could even be stressful that you forget to enjoy dancing. How sad right? So sad it even made me lose concentration. It's sad for me to think that this could even be the last summer show I'd be doing since I wouldn't be here next year. Well, we do have our ups and downs. Setting the bad aside, I really did have fun this summer! Especially the times I spent being with friends and dancing! How time flies, I didn't even notice summer IS over.

All good things do come to an end. Although I must say, my summer wasn't that happy and it certainly wasn't the best. I even feel like I've wasted it or something...or it could just be that time flies so fast that I didn't realize I did so much already. What's with summer anyway? It's just like any time of the year and the only thing is that summer doesn't have school. So yeah...I should probably go slit my wrists somewhere...or something. Kidding of course...well that's my summer blog.

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