Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I'm getting that good day.

Wow. Second day of school and I'm effin late. Ha. Well, I had to take my little brother on his first day of school to his classroom. I know, that shouldn't be a reason to be late since we should have gone earlier. Mrs. Lopez says that this is alarming and very much disturbing. I just hope I don't have more lates to come since my conduct would be paying the price!!!!........

Which leads me to our Economics teacher saying, "There's no such thing as free lunch." Meaning, everything we do has a consequence, be it good or bad. So yeah, ganoon nga eh. Nothing in this world is free. May bayad. In short, Sacrifice. Huo na ah. You can't have it all.

Ehgahd...I'm typing one saying after another. Well, all this college preparation and applications are getting me quite hyped up! I feel pressured to do well. Sometimes, I have doubts of my capabilities. Ugh. Basta...What the mind can think, the body can do! haha You can do it Ning!

Why does 4th year have to mean so much that I must never ever fail? (of course I know that very well) hehe...The other years didn't really mean much to me. Whatever...Failure is not an option! So yeash......ganoon nga.

(again...I'm typing one saying after another....)

Now, I bid Adieu.

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