Sunday, June 28, 2009

Bloody Sundaes.

dun. dun. dun....
It's that time of the week wherein I actually update my blog! buckle up your seat belts...or something...

Wow, this week was pretty full for me. Starting off with Monday where we had to dance in some Rotary event in L'Fisher. It was fun and we got free dinners...which was even better! Of course, let us not forget me saying stupid things at the stupidest of times....(one needs not mention what I said...) The downside to that was we also get to go home late, leaving us with less time for school and waking up as zombies the very next day. The rest of the week was pretty normal, until Thursday. The weekend is coming and so is another gig on Friday. We had to dance at some casino for a fashion show...which was fun...I think. hehe.

For some reason, I've been inexplicably happy and quite expecting to be seeing something these past few days. Suddenly just yesterday, I lost that inexplicable happiness. Perhaps it's actually better not to be reminded too much of the past. You know how much you'd like to be happy and eat a hot fudge sundae again, you simply can't. Why? It's because you know you know that eating a hot fudge would make you fat. Then again, you keep devouring on caramel sundae which would then again not change anything. I'm simply not doing anything useful. Aahh...the ambiguousity about sundaes!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Poverty is Depressing.

While strolling around a mall with my mom, a total stranger carrying a baby in her arms was waving at us. She called my mom "tita" and all I did was just stare, wondering why would a total stranger call my mom that. Then it hit me, I really did know this person. She's a distant relative of mine. Apparently, we spent a few minutes chatting up a bit. She was gushing about how I've grown and how long a time we all haven't seen each other. True, the last time we saw each other was when I was in 5th grade. She was fifteen then and I was probably around ten or eleven. My mom couldn't help but say how terrible she looked. Actually she did look quite worn out and rather old. It was a far cry from the way she looked years ago, healthy and quite pretty.

My eyes soon fell on the baby she was holding. She must have guessed what we were thinking and explained that it is her child. She actually got married and got a job as maid in the same neighborhood we are in. All I could say was, "Oh".

Learning that did make me quite upset. That relative and I were quite close back then and it is quite depressing for me to learn of her condition. She is definitely far too young to get married at 19 and work as a mere maid when she should still be in school. Sadder still, in that side of our family, people are quite lax about education and just consider being a maid an easy way out. I must admit, she may have not been the smartest but I still couldn't believe why anyone would settle for anything less. She even mentioned that there seems to be no hope for her, considering what she is and all. People shouldn't be discouraged of exceling because of "what they are". It isn't right to just throw it all like that.

I now know that if you settle for less, you get less but if you settle for more, you get more.
Had she studied and graduated, she could have gotten a decent job and lived her life differently. I feel so sad for this relative of mine since I know that she could have done more.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I'm getting that good day.

Wow. Second day of school and I'm effin late. Ha. Well, I had to take my little brother on his first day of school to his classroom. I know, that shouldn't be a reason to be late since we should have gone earlier. Mrs. Lopez says that this is alarming and very much disturbing. I just hope I don't have more lates to come since my conduct would be paying the price!!!!........

Which leads me to our Economics teacher saying, "There's no such thing as free lunch." Meaning, everything we do has a consequence, be it good or bad. So yeah, ganoon nga eh. Nothing in this world is free. May bayad. In short, Sacrifice. Huo na ah. You can't have it all.

Ehgahd...I'm typing one saying after another. Well, all this college preparation and applications are getting me quite hyped up! I feel pressured to do well. Sometimes, I have doubts of my capabilities. Ugh. Basta...What the mind can think, the body can do! haha You can do it Ning!

Why does 4th year have to mean so much that I must never ever fail? (of course I know that very well) hehe...The other years didn't really mean much to me. Whatever...Failure is not an option! So yeash......ganoon nga.

(again...I'm typing one saying after another....)

Now, I bid Adieu.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Things are blue in school.

Okay, so this would have to be my official school-blues blog. How sad. I simply could not believe school is well...basically right in front of us. I could not deny the fact that it's coming this Tuesday and that I still didn't get to re-adjust my body clock. Oh poor me. *sobs*

The big question for me is, Am I ready to face the horrors of homeworks and quizzes?...more importantly...pressure to excel? Damnit. Screw this whole making your mark thing. It's quite sad really. After years of just getting by and just being there, you suddenly have to do something for yourself. Ah, the pressure. It's hard to do well when you're only you.

We have to do exceptionally well this year since we're graduating and stuff. High grades and activities are a must if you want to get accepted into the best colleges and even snag a scholarship. haha. Seems like we're undergoing what Blair's been through in Gossip Girl. Getting into Yale and funny and so true.

Then again, grades aren't everything. Well, Imma go play poker now!


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Harder Than It Looks.

It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag twenty people.USE THE FIRST LETTER OF YOUR NAME to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real...nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.

1. What is your name : Leonila

2. A four Letter Word : Love...hehe

3. A boy's Name : Lyzander

4. A girl's Name : Lily

5. An occupation : Lawyer!

6. A color : Lavender

7. Something you'll wear : Leggings

9. A food : Lasagna!

10. Something found in the bathroom: Lotion!

11. A place : Luzon!

12. A reason for being late : Letting myself get kidnapped!

13. Something you'd shout : LOSER!

14. A movie title : Lover's in Paris.....hehe

15. Something you drink : Lemon juice!

16. A brand : Levi's......hehe

17. An animal : Lizard!

18. A street name : Lacson Street....hehe

19. A type of car : Little car........hehe

20. The title of a song : Little Things-Colbie Caillat......wehehehe


Monday, June 1, 2009

Summer Farewell

So yeah, this is my official goodbye summer blog for 2009. I think I deleted my farewell for summer 2008 along with all my other blogs from the errrm past? Whatever, I'm not really sure how to put it so that's that. Each year, I write a blog about I spent long as it's part of my summer!

My summer started with making pawasak with two of my buddies, Yel and Kat. We did senseless things and celebrated other people's graduation for them...approximately 3 times. During Holy Week, my family and I got to go to Hong Kong for a vacation. There, I got to eat chinese food everyday....and it's sickening. I also realized how I hate chinese people...*evil grin*.

When we got back home, it was just in time for the start of our MMB summer workshop. So yeah, same old routine, dance classes everyday. Hey, I'm not complaining. It's really great actually! Like last year, I'm usually found hanging out in MMB. The only difference was that I'm not found always wearing tights and sweet-talking kids since I'm not assisting anymore, which is quite sad. Well hey, I get more free time and I get to eat dirty ice-cream and fishballs! During my summer in MMB, I enjoyed hanging out with the so-called "children". Playing cards certainly became one of our favorite pastimes aside from dancing.

This summer wasn't like any other...of course. It was quite busy especially with the culminating. Honestly, it could even be stressful that you forget to enjoy dancing. How sad right? So sad it even made me lose concentration. It's sad for me to think that this could even be the last summer show I'd be doing since I wouldn't be here next year. Well, we do have our ups and downs. Setting the bad aside, I really did have fun this summer! Especially the times I spent being with friends and dancing! How time flies, I didn't even notice summer IS over.

All good things do come to an end. Although I must say, my summer wasn't that happy and it certainly wasn't the best. I even feel like I've wasted it or something...or it could just be that time flies so fast that I didn't realize I did so much already. What's with summer anyway? It's just like any time of the year and the only thing is that summer doesn't have school. So yeah...I should probably go slit my wrists somewhere...or something. Kidding of course...well that's my summer blog.