Tuesday, August 18, 2009

There is no "we" in "I", only "me".

Physics class:
As I jot down equations and draw tiny cars on my notebook, I'm fighting my very hardest NOT to fall asleep. Alas, next thing I knew, I was called to the board to answer an equation. By now, you should have guessed what happened.

Tough luck? Ain't it?


I realized that there are a number of things in which I don't believe in anymore. One, I don't believe I could stand a whole day of school without sleeping in at least one class. Second, there is no such thing as true anymore. It's all false.

Yep, false.
False eyes, false hair, false teeth.

Nothing is what it seems.
You'd have to be stupid like me to easily believe in things.

It's like a sandcastle in a beach being washed away in which you actually believed that the sandcastle would still stand. It may look strong with the walls around it, perhaps it's even encircled with stones. Giving you some sort of FALSE hope that it wouldn't wash away. How stupid. Duh, it would be washed away of course. Yet, you still believed it would stand. That's even more stupid.



-memory deleted and is now replaced with a better hard drive that has better anti-virus programs-

Trust no one, deceive everyone?

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