Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Punching Bag.

I must say, it's really been a while since I've last updated my blog! 4th year life is being a bitch to me!!! (Yep! I know...great opening statement)

Of course, there's the usual pressure in school...only that it's been multiplied 100x!!! No, I'm not exaggerating! Unfortunate things have been happening to me lately. Apart from the great decline of my grades, MY LAPTOP CRASHED! Yeah, I've been fuming about that for quite a while...and I simply wouldn't get over it! I mean, my FUTURE is in there! By future, I meant my Admissions Essay. Well, why not make a new one?

........Uh hello?!....Writing an essay isn't as easy as you think. Let alone one which your future depends upon! I simply couldn't write a good...or impressive one if I'm not inspired...which, I certainly am not feeling right now with all the TORTURE!!!!

I did mention in my essay that I don't give up. Sure, I may not be perfect and I may not be the smartest but, what I do have is determination. hahaha. I do hope that still applies to me now...haha of course it does! haha........I think. Sure, my grades are lower than the temperature in Antarctica but it isn't all that matters right?...hahaha ( here I go with the pep talk)....Yeah, the entrance exam is the 70% basis for acceptance . Hoo yeah...

Why do I feel myself degrading every minus one I get in my tests? They say people learn by making mistakes but, I certainly CANNOT afford any more mistakes unless I want risk of failing. I feel so embarassed with my performance in school nowadays, seeing that I'm in this so-called "star class". It's upsetting to see my scores being average....or even below that. Don't get me wrong. I don't slack off and I do work VERY HARD. I study. I listen...but why does it have to come out so hard for me?

Ack. This wouldn't matter to me, it's different and I'm sure the reasons are quite obvious right? Seriously, how could any self-respecting senior not care?

I should really pull myself together before I start slitting my wrists......haha.

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