Friday, October 23, 2009

I not here no more.

huuu. I not do blogging here no more. huuuuuuuuu.
Eh. I seem to prefer tumblr nowadays.....or, good old one liner blogs...yes, your day in one sentence!

Oh my golly. Exam week has been so terrible. I swear, I actually believe that I'm getting a failure...or something close to it. That is not an exaggeration! I bid my dreams of getting accepted to my dream school goodbye. Oh well. C'est la vie. Now, I just remembered Mrs. B. ahahaha.

Now, I feel like I'm getting fat. ho ho ho. No surprise there. I've been pigging out for the past couple of weeks. Seriously, what happened to the eating disorder-prone girl I knew? *sigh* I wish I could go back...wait...I can! Hah! Starting now, I'm going to kiss one of life's unquestionable pleasures, goodbye. Sundae Mcdo...I'll miss you soooo...........

I should go back to studying and quit obsessing about my weight .......haiiiiiii

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