Saturday, May 16, 2009

Pictures are Remainders of the Past

1. A picture of you in your room

webbie pic...hehe

2. A picture of you posing with someone you don't actually like

none! Ngaa ma pa pic mn ko beh cya...hmmph.

3. A picture with a former crush

current pwd?...

4. A picture of you very drunk

So far, I never tried getting


5. A picture of you with a parent or two

6. A picture of you on your birthday

7. A picture of you from your younger years

8. A picture of you in one of your favorite outfits

hehe I love that outfit!

9. A picture of you making a goofy face at the camera

10. A picture you might have edited

11. A picture of you and a team or club you're in

YFC kmi!!!

12. A picture of a night you regret

13. A picture of you showing off a new haircut

14. A picture of you truly being yourself

15. Your most recent picture

Of course, the one on the right...xD

16. A picture of you being absolutely ridiculous

17. A picture you're tagged in on facebook that you aren't actually in

I'm tagged because I'm in that pic...hehe

18. A picture of time in your life that's over, but you wish it hasn't

After Recital, things were very different then. It was great.

19. A picture of a time in your life that's over, and you couldn't be more thankful that it is

Goodbye my damned 3rd

Yr. life!

20. A picture with your oldest friend

Gr.4 buddy reunion!

21. A picture with your newest friend


22. A picture of you when you were anything but happy... even if you were smiling and did your best to hide it

Fresh pa beh. :l

23. A picture of you that you had no idea was being taken

24. A picture of you when you were a different person than you are now

This was a year and a half ago...imagine how a year could change you...

25. A picture of you in a fashion "DONT"

me!!!! aaah!

26. A picture of you in a swimsuit - whether you love it or loathe it

Hmm...dayaon ko...may shirt pa! hahaha. LOVE IT!

27. A picture of you taking a shot / chugging a beer / downing some sort of mixed drink

28. A picture of yourself that you hate

I was very sick here and my eyes were very red. It was during the Intrams...and I had to leave during our cheering!!!

29. A picture of you with someone you love

Bruha ni xa pero palangga ko na! hahaha

30. A picture of how you'd like the world to see you

31. A picture that describes how you'd like to spend everyday

32. A picture of a time when everything was changing

33. A picture that makes your heart hurt

34. A picture that makes your heart smile

Happy and Carefree!!!!

35. A picture of one of the best times of your life

Just may not last.

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