Sunday, May 3, 2009


Funny, Why do I always update my blogs at unholy hours?...


Yep, this is the barre, the place where it all starts...I'm talking about warm-ups. hehe. For now, it seems like dancing IS my life. That's just for this summer though...when I don't have to think much about anything else.....I'll enjoy it while I still can! Oftentimes, I get upset about something then I usually turn to dance for some comfort. My idea of comfort is pushing myself to lift my leg at least a 160 degree arabesque and doing multiple turns without faltering, causing body pains and blisters. Yes, it's heaven for me (no sarcasm intended!). Although, dancing doesn't always make me feel good. I also feel insecure and upset because of it. For example, when I am not able to do the steps well or when I feel that I'm not as good as the others. It's pretty much hard not to compare yourself with other dancers. It is sad to forget about how much you love something when insecurities about yourself get in the way. Still, I pour ALL sorts of frustrations into dancing. Now, that's enough to make me feel better.

It's a dancer's life. We get very, very stressed out. Dancing is hard but you wouldn't really understand it unless you actually do it yourself.

We don't always work hard and dance...we play cards too!

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