Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I could sew!

The original dress.

I found a vintage dress which belonged to my aunt. It was actually made by my late grandmother. To my dismay, it really couldn't fit me since my aunt was really tiny when she was younger. So, the mission was to make the dress fit. How? I had to recreate it...in a way...hehe. The thing is, I don't even know how to use a machine and yet, here I am tearing the dress apart, buying materials and actually trying to use the sewing machine. So yeah, I added the tulle, the lace...and everything! Result: GREAT! (No irony is used!) Who would have known that I could learn how to sew in like...a day. Actually, I finished the dress in four days. Lesson: Take chances and you could actually learn things! hehe

Working on it!
My progress so far....

...and finally....all my hardwork!

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