Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Once in a while, we get our feelings hurt.
For one moment, you're perfectly fine until someone utters a very wrong sentence. They may or may not have intentionally hurt your feelings. Still, they just did and there's nothing anyone could do about it. The damage has been done.

I am really not a shallow person. I don't do things with the shallowest of reasons. I for one find it despicable and stupid. More importantly, I am NOT stupid. Sure, people get "ideas" but I really don't mind if they think it or say it to themselves. When they actually put those hurtful thoughts to words and say it to me or declare it to the world, then that is the time where it really hurts. Do they honestly think that I'm that kind of person? Ouch. They should know I'm better than that.

It's also upsetting how some people never take me seriously. What I mean is that I'm like a joke. Like some lifeless dummy which everyone enjoys laughing at. Newsflash: I have feelings. Why is it that with every situation I'm in, everyone seems to make a joke out of it, most especially out of me? Am I really that hilarious? I admit, I'm really not the serious-type and I may seem weird to your distaste but it doesn't mean I can't be taken seriously. It's upsetting when you're already talking seriously and yet people still regard you as a joke. Sure, my life can get funny (according to your standards) but it's really wrong if you make laughs out of it. After all, jokes at the expense of others is wrong. Shouldn't you be laughing at some dummy instead of me? Yes, I'm certainly no dummy.

With all these things, I'm finally realizing that I shouldn't trust anyone with anything in my mind anymore since it's just a joke.

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