Thursday, April 30, 2009

What was I wearing?

Yep, the outfit for the day...

Fashion Blog 1.

Prom Dress by Yours Truly.
**I was actually having a fever during prom. Talk about luck**

Inspiration: Blair Waldorf.

Yes, I'm quite camera shy. haha.

Monday, April 27, 2009

I enjoy bathing.

**Okay, before you react or anything...this is one of my blogs of humor or...randomness. So yeah, don't go thinking I'm insane...or maybe I am.

Finally...some peace...not just any sort of peace but peace of mind. I just knew that there is actually no harm or pasmo in taking a bath after an exercise. Yay. I could finally quit smelling bad after ballet! Earlier, we had modern ballet involves cleaning the floor with your body. haha. I'm exaggerating! You always end up with a lot of grime after practice and of course...your one wish would have to be a bath or shower right?

You see, I'm especially happy since I finally have a loofah! Yay! I could finally take a bath knowing my therapeutic body wash wouldn't go to waste! Yay loofah! Also, don't forget about the pumice made of dead sea anemones. Yeeep. It scrubs all the dirt and dead skin cells away so you'd have smoother skin. haha. Now, I smell better. I've got to say that my head is clearer and more relaxed when I smell good. Yeah, smelling good makes me happy. haha. How fun bathing is! Funny, I'm actually writing a blog about the joys of bathing!

Friday, April 24, 2009

April Fools?

I feel so strange...
I really don't know why...
After all this time...all I wanted was revenge? When I say revenge, I mean getting back by doing some sort of prank...

It's his birthday tomorrow and what better way to surprise him by doing some horrible prank! By the way, he is actually a 6-foot tree monster whom I used to get the point. I think that he is a loser and a nitwit. Darn. I couldn't even think of better insults! If you're wondering what he did. He uh...disappeared then came back a terrible monster. After that, I acted like it was nothing and I tried to forget about him. Dear me, how could you forget a 6-foot monster when you see it often?! Back then, I still believe in that loser of a tree monster. Now...I'm like...arrrgh! I don't know! I think I'm crazy...or...maybe I am! Well, that's not the point! The point is...I'm channeling everything to revenge or anger. Now, don't you tell me I still like him. I'm furious! Okay?

So, I've been trying to hatch up a really good prank for about a day already. Unbelievably, I did come up with something good to moderate. I decided to give him a present! Not just any present of course...This present's just a beetle with a note that says: Feed Me and it's supposedly going in his pants or shirt. Wait!!! There's more...In the lockers, I intend to draw a smiley face at the back of all his shirts while he's out. Ahahaha! During jazz class, he's going to have to wear it! That's going to be a pretty sight for me while doing corners in jazz! When you think it's's NOT! I'm also going to spray Chanel No.19 on all his clothes...and put peanut butter on the armpits of his shirt! Lastly, I'm going to sprinkle a LOT of sugar on his shoes. Yes, now who says revenge isn't sweet?

Yes, I WILL carry out this plan. Yeah, I know some of it is kinda lame....but it sure is stupid! Don't you think I wouldn't do this....oh I would. Well, I could get away with this pretty easily....

I'm excited for tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Once in a while, we get our feelings hurt.
For one moment, you're perfectly fine until someone utters a very wrong sentence. They may or may not have intentionally hurt your feelings. Still, they just did and there's nothing anyone could do about it. The damage has been done.

I am really not a shallow person. I don't do things with the shallowest of reasons. I for one find it despicable and stupid. More importantly, I am NOT stupid. Sure, people get "ideas" but I really don't mind if they think it or say it to themselves. When they actually put those hurtful thoughts to words and say it to me or declare it to the world, then that is the time where it really hurts. Do they honestly think that I'm that kind of person? Ouch. They should know I'm better than that.

It's also upsetting how some people never take me seriously. What I mean is that I'm like a joke. Like some lifeless dummy which everyone enjoys laughing at. Newsflash: I have feelings. Why is it that with every situation I'm in, everyone seems to make a joke out of it, most especially out of me? Am I really that hilarious? I admit, I'm really not the serious-type and I may seem weird to your distaste but it doesn't mean I can't be taken seriously. It's upsetting when you're already talking seriously and yet people still regard you as a joke. Sure, my life can get funny (according to your standards) but it's really wrong if you make laughs out of it. After all, jokes at the expense of others is wrong. Shouldn't you be laughing at some dummy instead of me? Yes, I'm certainly no dummy.

With all these things, I'm finally realizing that I shouldn't trust anyone with anything in my mind anymore since it's just a joke.

First Blog.

Ooh wow.
This would have to be my first official blogspot blog!
Well, I'm no newbie when it comes to blogging...I've been blogging for so long a time in multily already. So yeah, I think I just need my blogs to be a bit more private...which is why I made this blogspot! Yay!

I usually go blogging when a) I'm pissed b) I'm "inspired" yes...quote and quote...

So yeah...expect more rantings and whatever drama I have...