Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Fever Strikes. *hoh noh!!!*

Present Condition....
Stifling my sneezes, I'm typing this blog to escape from reality even for just a few minutes.
1-2-3 ACHOOOO! *wipes nose* I knew that it's bound to happen. *sniffs*

Great, I'm sick...again. Gahd. I think I'm coming up with a case of H1N1. Kidding aside, I just have a flu. No need to worry. I just finished the last bits of my super sugay "otap" with some sugary crystals lingering in my mouth. Ehgahd. I want more...but yeah, I'm not allowed to eat much for now.

At around 6 P.M.....
Waking up from my weird dream about some crazy cosplayers attacking someone, I realized I still have to make my head hurt more by reading about Adam Smith. Crap. His economic theories and what not is making my head throb and my nose bleed. I don't see why Katrina is so fascinated with him. Of course, I didn't do my work just yet. I just has to watch this show entitled, "Nasaan ka Maruja"...did I get that right? Of course, it was quite lame for me. Also, someone turned on the t.v. in my room and I was too weak to turn it off. After that I get to hear about all the fuss about Michael Jackson. True, his death shocked me and that I had to find out by opening Yahoo in the computer lab with my teaching exclaiming behind my back saying, "Is that true?!". I also ended up thinking she heard what I said about something that I shouldn't be saying. Good thing was, she was talking about the Yahoo headline saying, The King of Pop is Dead. Also, my mouth gaped open as I read. Sad, I've been linked to him in grade school because I wore black shoes and white socks with ankle-lengthed black pants. Hey, I was a growing kid!

How saaad. I didn't get to go out GK, to the Casino, to dance class....not at all! In truth, I'm quite happy since I didn't want to go to GK today with all the work and me not feeling so well. I'm quite glad I didn't get to dance today since I know my body can't handle it. Come on, I couldn't even talk on the phone earlier that I had to ask my sister to make the call for me. Yep, I was too weak to even speak...*le gasp!*. Of course, I'm not too weak to type...haha typing is my forte after all! I'm just a bit sad that I didn't get to go the casino with yel...she said that there was free dinner!!!!!!!! *rolls like a pandesal in tears*

Despite having a bit more time to do work, I still didn't get to do any. Why? Number one, I still feel that I'm in no condition to do anything headache-inducing. Number two, lack of will-power. Number three...don't you get it?! I'm procrastinating!...and of course, I'm typing this blog.

So yeah, I haven't got much to say except that my throat hurts and I feel like I could just collapse in front of the laptop any minute now....

......Before any of that happens, I bid adieu!